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October 20, 2008


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It immediately gets put in the recycle bin. I wish there was a way to opt out of getting this paper, they're just wasting paper on me. I hit up news.yahoo.com in the morning - browse the headlines and read what I want...


There IS a way to opt out and I'm doing it today!

"By the way, if you hate The Briefing, call 214-977-8333 to cancel delivery to your home."


Good luck "opting out". We did that very thing about a month ago, and still receive it. Don't kill any more trees for me please. I read all the news i want on the internet. DMN is going in the wrong direction.


Good luck "opting out". We did that very thing about a month ago, and still receive it. Don't kill any more trees for me please. I read all the news i want on the internet. DMN is going in the wrong direction.

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