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October 27, 2008


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What a great article on the ever growing attendance problem encountered by churches of all faiths. After 30+ years absence (attending other churches), I returned to my "home" church. In my youth, the sanctuary was always at near capacity, including a balcony. Now, the balcony is closed (converted to now empty classrooms) and the main floor is maybe half full.

Our congregation is making a great effort to reach out to the immediate community. A five million dollar family life center is open and available to anyone in the neighborhood. Our facility gets heavy usage from marriage/family seminars conducted by nationally known facilitators, neighborhood association meetings, an excellent child development center, senior medical opportunities, exercise classes, annual neighborhood Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners. You would be surprised as to how many people in our community live alone, without families, and have no where to go on these special holidays. Many of our newer member families are a result of the direct neighborhood involvement.

It will be interesting to hear some of your feedback letters. I did notice one slight mistake in your article. In your Gaston Oaks segment, you stated that the original church was named East Dallas Baptist. The church should have been the Gaston Avenue Baptist Church.

Hope to hear more follow up soon.

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