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September 25, 2008


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I appreciate the kind words. I especially appreciate all who read my posts and those who suggest blogs for me. Sometimes I act on your leads (sometimes I don't) but I greatly appreciate the dialog. Especially those who begin with, "don't quote me, but..."

Bill Kennedy

Thanks, Christina, for the kind words. I should be able to find more time starting next month, as things are going very well, now.

But right now, I don't think anyone is interested in what's happening at the Santa Fe Wine and Chile Fiesta... ;-)

Christina Hughes-Babb

That's what we love about you guys — always quick with a quip ... I'm sure we'll have a comment from Pair soon too, as soon as she returns from whatever community garden or school function she's surely involved with at the moment!


Well aren't you just a sweetheart Christina, thanks! And thanks Carol and Bill, and Jeff (the guy's really smart) and Rick and Maria and Keri...and (almost) all the commentators!

A couple of things I find so interesting about doing this is a) how often I'm lifted from mushroom manure and learn about something thanks to contributors and b), how often I intuit that I'm having a face to face conversation with a commentator who uses a funny alias.

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