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August 07, 2008


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Once again, diarrhea and vomit necessitated a 60 sec package on CBS 11 and a paragraph of concern here on the blogosphere. And criticize as you wish, but it's ridiculous and all it does is put us another step closer to a true Confederacy of Dunces.


once again, from the authorities:
Dave, please state your medical credentials.


Swimmer, in order for me to comment on the ridiculous "chicken little" mentality of people I need to have a medical degree? My stance all along has been that there better things for us, as denizens of Dallas, to focus on:

from the authorities:


No, but what gives you the right to tell people they are dunces if they choose to heed warnings posted by City/County health officials? I give these people much more credence than your pronouncements, unless you do have epidemiology or medical background. Have a nice day.


Dude, that's called an allegory. I was not directly calling people dunces, I was referring to a piece of literature. Have you never read "A Confederacy of Dunces" by John Kennedy Toole? Should I have used a different reference? Maybe the film "Idiocaracy" by Mike Judge would have been a better fit. Seriously, don't you think I'd be even more concerned about the this ridiculousness of the "North Texas Crypto Scare of '08" after spending thousands of hours and dollars studying the outbreaks of Malaria in Africa while earning my Epidemiology degree?

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