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July 30, 2008


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I'd say I'm surprised Jay-Z would even let a d-bag like Sessions hold a fundraiser at his club. But, like Jay says, he's a businessman and if Sessions is throwing around money then Jay is all too happy to take it.

But yeah, I'd say the only common value Sessions and Jay-Z share are a love for money. But Sessions wouldn't be the first Republican to claim to moral high horse only to be revealed as a total hypocrite. he just happens to be Lake Highlands' Republican to claim to moral high horse only to be revealed as a total hypocrite.

Bill Kennedy

Yup... family values Pete.


Nice way to court the women in your District Pete. I'm no prude, but I do expect my congressman to conduct himself with a certain modicum of decorum.

Just Wondering

Gee-where are all the people defending the Girls Room strip tease post from last week? Do we have a little double standard here? this is what rarepair was upset with last week-and understandibly so. When you have daughters, you change your views. If you claim to have family values, you don't have to be a prude yet you expect decorum. What exactly do we want?


You're missing the point. Nobody has a problem with Jay-Z or his club or what goes on in his club. The problem is sessions is a total hypocrite. People would have a lot less issue with where he raises his funds if he weren't blasting us all for being heathens.

At least Jay-Z doesn't try to pretend he's holier than thou.

Glee Huebner

Now that you have cut down one of the few really good conservative congressmen, it seems only fair that you check out the places the liberal congressmen hold their fund-raisers. It isn't like Pete is hanging out with these people or attending a church where the preacher screams about how bad the US is. Did you even go to Pete and ask about why the fund-raiser was held there, or did you just criticize him without finding out the facts. Pete is not even my congressman, but he works hard for the things many of us believe in. Let us give him credit for that and treat him fairly, check out the other side and criticize it too. Glee Huebner


The liberal congress people are not beating the bible, holding themselves above others, and trying to legislate morality while having fund raisers in places that they condemn at church on Sunday. That’s a republican phenomenon and this article is just pointing out the hypocrisy of a local congressman. I understand he was just following the dollar like they all do.

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