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July 30, 2008


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Go get em Tigger!

Christina Hughes-Babb

Thanks for that. I too caught the end of the special. I was trying to work and watch simultaneously and I actually had to set my laptop aside and give the television my undivided attention —not something I do often. I agree that sometimes we need to step back from all the things that irritate us so much (come on you guys all know what I'm talkin' about) and look at the REAL stuff of life. Bravo, Bill.


I've been missing your posts Bill...even when you tell me to slow down on White Rock Trail : )... and am very much looking forward to many many more!

Glee Huebner

Hang in there. Mine was breast cancer 7 years ago. I always wondered what I would feel like if it happened to me, when it did, loosing a breast ment nothing, all I cared about was removing it. I could have been angry and taken it out on everyone around me, but that is not me. I chose to be positive about it. I think that and my supportive family is what got me through the long treatment. We joked about my loss of hair (my husband is bald, so I joined him). We kept an upbeat attitude. My husband refered to me(and still does) as his one winged angel. I say all of this to remind those unlucky enough to get cancer that attitude makes a difference and those who have family members with this problem that you also need to keep an upbeat attitude for them. Glee Huebner

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