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June 16, 2008


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Triple Wildcat

Gawd, ANOTHER Wamu? If we're forced to take yet another bank in the neighborhood, can't we get a friggin' Bank of America?

LH Fan

And that giant retaining wall! The residents of Merriman Park North could end up with one just like it in their neighborhood if the zoning on the Church/Skillman corner gets changed at the city council hearing on June 25th.


No kidding, Triple Wildcat. Oh, what I would do to have a Bank of America within 5 miles of my home.

There is an empty lot at the corner of NW Hwy and Plano Rd and another 20 feet further down Plano Rd. There is still hope.


Me too, Triple Wildcat and Meredith! My BOA of choice used to be at Greenville and Walnut Hill but they seem to have closed the ATMs at that location (maybe the drive-thru is open again but it wasn't the last time I was there, which was some time ago now). What's up with that? What do we have to do to get BOA's attention to this.... there seems to be a bank on every corner of the 'hood these days, just not the one WE need!

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