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April 04, 2008


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Rick: the apartments south of the Target on NW/Fisher are being rebuilt as apartments, not retail, according to a news article that ran a month or so ago in the DMN.

Triple Wildcat

I'm not too worried about the traffic along Skillman between Abrams and NW Highway since you have to slow down to dodge all the jaywalkers - many of them mothers pushing strollers and holding toddlers by hand. It's a tragedy waiting to happen and I don't understand why there isn't occasional police presence to make them walk the additional 50-100 feet to a stoplight.

That said, I'm happy to see a Bank of America moving into the lower part of Lake Highlands. That's my bank, and they've got locations everywhere except in the heart of Lake Highlands. I drive past every other brand of bank before I can find a Bank of America. There's one up on Abrams and Forest, which is near where another Chick-Fil-A is supposed to go in.

I'm not as ga-ga about Chick-Fil-A as a lot of neighborhood people seem to be - its chicken sandwiches are overpriced, undersized and underdressed (Just a pickle? Really?). But they're tasty and their restaurants are well-kept and supportive of the community. Most of all, they would be an alternative to our limited fast food choices in LH.

Now, if we could get a drive-thru at the Boston Market like the one on Garland Road has...

Rick Wamre

Dallasite, thanks for the clarification. I knew the apartments were going to be replaced with more apartments, but you certainly couldn't tell that from the way I wrote it! My point is that with all of the building activity in that area, it's becoming a natural for an overall redo. And with higher and better (read: new) developments eventually taking over the car dealership, the apartment complex just north of that and the northeast and southeast corners of Northwest Highway and Abrams, there could be a veritable explosion of development — assuming the lenders keep lending.


Yay. A bland JC Penney, Wally World and more fast food. How exciting.

Brian LaCroix

This project really does seem ho-hum. Maybe if there were some renditions and further information, but in the days of projects like Victory, LHTC and Park Lane Place - it amazes me that we would change zoning for something this plain vanilla with no residential mix on-site (especially when the previous zoning had a ton of residential units).


While I would welcome Penney's and Chick-Fil-A (although Skillman/NWH is just barely closer than the Central/Southwestern and Plano Road locations),just how many Sam's/Wal-Marts does LH need? There are two Sam's already nearby and a new Wal-Mart going in at Forest/Abrams. So where is Costco in this mix?? The nearest Costco is practically in Oklahoma (well, Plano... but that's not my beaten path). At least it would offer some big-box variety for our 'hood...


Costco would be a HUGE improvement...but alas, unlikely.


Unlikely true.... but it never hurts to get it out there! :)


I'm still wondering why we need a Wally World when there are TWO Target stores within a mile of the site.


300,000 sq ft is WAY TO BIG for Wal-Mart Supercenter itself. The largest Supercenters are a little over 200,000 sq ft. Now a Wal-Mart and a Sam's Club would be over 300,000 sq ft. That foot print is also differnt from typical Supercenters.

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