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March 12, 2008


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That would be D.T. to you babe.

Thanks for covering what I forgot or didn't get. Gosh, there's so much I didn't get! But now there's a little more I do get and I'll be especially looking forward to all the new information you're going to get.

I'd forgotten about Mr. Christopher's crime analogy, that was rather interesting and you're correct, outrageous. Goes to what I'd opined in my post - he needs to brush up his presentation skills.


Great job and accurate. I am looking forward to the answers of how two former councilmembers and one present councilmembers' homeowners associations were conveniently drawn out of the PID, could be they and their neighbors aren't too keen on double taxation... either. Sean stated "this is a entire community effort" but he only draws a select few (zero lot townhomes and condos) into the PID. Sean may be a nice guy but he fails in Lake Highlands Community 101. Curios to see the final plan submitted to the city and how the $1,000,000.00 Dollars from TI, (so they are drawn out of the PID), is line itemed. What works for Uptown is great. But this is Lake Highlands and this community as always been about family and what is right. The present PID map is wrong and divisive and what is scary... Mr Christopher, who states he is from Lake Highlands, takes credit for drawing the map. I am sure this is to be continued.

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