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February 13, 2008


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Bill Kennedy

How about the Goforth and Prosper Co-op?


Lord, I gotta clear my head and focus. (I'm still in a daze at having initially found the wrong location).

I read your name suggestion Bill and just kind of sat there and wondered, 'Hmm, where's Prosper Street?'

Beat, beat, beat...BAM I got it. I like it. I'll pass it on and see if it takes root. (Sorry about that).

Bill Kennedy


(BTW, is near the intersection of Seek and Yeeshallfind.)


No Bill, you're thinking of that intersection in Nameless, Texas, down in the Hill County. And the streets are actually Seek and Gudinlost, not Yeeshallfind. Yeeshallfind is across the highway.

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