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February 25, 2008


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I'm an avid walker of the streets of Lake Highlands. The state of pedestiran amenities, like smooth sidewalks (without cracks,ruts or gaping holes that cause all sorts of mishaps if one is not careful) and visibly marked crosswalks at major intersections are sorely lacking in our area. Recently I asked the City to remark several crosswalks to make them visible to vehicular traffic. Last week the stripers were out remarking the crosswalks. Sadly though, the driving public has forgotten it is state law to yield to pedestrians in cross walks. Until the driving public gets off their cell phones, drives the speed limit (a novel concept) and actually yield to pedestrians, Dallas will never be a pedestrian friendly city.


I wonder if it would ever be too much to ask for bike lanes in this city? In a lot of cities in the NW, bike lanes are almost a standard and people don't have to feel like they are taking their life in their hands to ride a bike on city streets. I think it helps to make it a more pedestrian city as it gives drives more pause when on the road.

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