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December 04, 2007


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If there are any more cuts to news and reporting, there isn't going to be much to print. Who is going to subscribe to this paper?

I'll admit I've considered cancelling my subscription in the wake of the slanted reporting on the Trinity issue. But there is still some good content in the DMN. See the story in this morning's Business section on health care in Texas for an example. If your tea leaves are right, though, this sounds like a harvesting strategy: stop marketing for new subscribers, cut costs dramatically, and just take the cash until there is no business left.

Reminds me of something Molly Ivins said in a 2006 column: "I don't mind so much that newspapers are dying -- it's watching them commit suicide that pisses me off."

Bill Kennedy

Upon re-reading that excellent CJR article, and seeing how lousy the DMN wbesite *still* is, this jumped out at me: "Belo is investing in the future, Moroney and Mong contend, by spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on Web training and video equipment."

Turning over your entire web operation to IBM Global Services, who sells services to enable companies to save money, is not "investing in the future." As someone who has been involved in web services and related technologies since the nascent days of the web, it astounds me that the DMN allows IBM to operate such a poor online excuse for "their future."

Whomever invests in the spun-off newspaper biz better have a large supply of lipstick.

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