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October 09, 2007


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Rick Wamre

The Dallas Northeast Chamber board met this morning, and one of the items on the agenda was a resolution endorsing the tollroad and dissing the referendum. If you recall from a post in April, the Chamber board at that time voted almost unanimously (yours truly being the only dissenter) to come out against the TrinityVote petition drive. This time, although the result was the same, I wasn't as lonely when it came to voting. The resolution in favor of the tollroad and against the referendum passed, but only by a single vote. People apparently have been giving the whole thing some thought, and nearly half of them changed their minds since April. Just thought it was interesting development worth mentioning. And I feel kind of left out since the push-poll people haven't called me yet...

Bill Kennedy

I really wish they would call our house. I love having fun with push-pollsters. But, the "do not call" list has been working very effectively for over a year now here at Villa Valium.

That's interesting re: the NE Chamber vote numbers peeling away -- I like it!

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