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October 26, 2007


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JJ-thanks for this post about Miss Nancy. We've all been concerned about her in the 'hood! The LHE staff and community is one in a million.

Remember a few weeks (maybe a month) or so ago, there was a blog about having the kids assume the responsibility of being crossing guards. This is EXACTLY why they shouldn't be. While this incident (not accident) was a tragedy to Miss Nancy, imagine what it would have done to a child. The good thing about the Safety Patrol program is that the kids do learn to assume responsibility in a safer and monitored environment.

Let this be a lesson learned to everyone: Please be careful when driving. Not only in school zones, but everywhere.

thanks again for a great post (and for the cinnamon rolls last weekend for our campout!)


Yep, I surely do agree with you about the kids assuming the responsibility of working what they themselves refer to as 'Death Street' (or any other high traffic surface street). When we were growing up, there weren't any behemoth SUV's, there weren't cell phone distractions, there weren't as many cars on the road. And nope, I refuse to imagine.

But I am going to be more focused when I'm driving, as I would challenge everyone to do. Think about it: When sitting atop a 1,000 pound horse, you're pretty darned focused. Why not be as judicious when sitting behind the wheel of a four thousand pound car?

Joan Walkling

My gosh I read through the entire article about Miss Nancy's accident and the people that came to her aid and thinking what a great writeup it was and come to find out that my daughter wrote it!!! Thanks, Jan!

L. Mom

Kim Blackledge

I was out the Nancy got enjured. I was very sorry for her the next day when I found out. I will keep her in my prayers.Get well soon Ms. Nancy. Mat God bless you! Kim

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