Having been asked by the Advocate staff to guest blog here, I thought that I would start off with something that needs to be added to any Top 25 list for Dallas. And that is the Indian peafowl that live at the stables at the corner of Gofort and W. Lawther/Lanshire, across from the north end of White Rock Park. The stables have kept them for years now, as they keep the garter snakes away from spooking the horses. They also provide ample fertilizer for the lawns of the 'hood, as there is no such thing as a "peafowl bag" or a "peafowl leash law" in Dallas.
Now, I suppose you are wondering "what the heck is an Indian peafowl?!" Well, you know it as a peacock. However, only the male is called a peacock; the female is a peahen. The ones around this area are primarily the irridescent blue variety. However, there are also quite a few white ones, which is a mutant color that first appeared in the early 1820's. The birds are very social and will let you walk right up to them. They can also do something that I bet you didn't know -- they can fly. But only for very short distances. They are lazy and prefer to strut around and check out things at ground level. So, does the colloquialism "look at that guy's cocky walk" now make more sense to you?
My wife and I have taken to feeding them when they come around to our yard. Now that we live near White Rock Trail, they don't come as often as when we lived on Thunderbird. But, we still need to tell them apart, so their names are: Fred, Fred, Fred, Fred and Fredrika and Fredrika. Since they have a brain the size of a walnut, they don't seem to mind being called the same thing. And, when they fertilize the front step, it's just easier to call them "walnut brain" and be done with it.
Enough talk... here's Fred showing off his Spring Fling lace gown, over on Eagle Trl.
Here's Fred having some lunch. They love dry cat food... especially the ones shaped like little fish!
Here's Fredrika and her sister Fredrika checking out the butterfly weed in our courtyard.
And finally, here is the reshoot of that great, old film, Mate Me in St. Louis, starring Fred, his other brother Fred, Fredrika and various Vanilla Ice Freds and Fredrikas.
So, if you want to take a gander yourselves, then get over to Goforth and park across from the stables. Walk up and around to Eagle Trail and follow it to Thunderbird. Mornings and early evenings are best. Look in the low branches and on the front lawns and porches of the houses on Eagle that back onto the stables. Bring some dry cat food and a camera.
And please... watch your step...
Great pics Bill! I knew about the peacocks/hens, but had no idea about the white ones. What a gorgeous bird. And welcome ... good to have you blogging with us.
Posted by: Kris Scott | June 01, 2007 at 12:19 PM
Great piece, Bill! These truly are lovely creatures. I'm glad to see them still thriving in the area. Keep the cat food supply going!
Posted by: Dean Riley | June 05, 2007 at 09:57 AM